Android Camera – Save image into a new folder in SD Card

I’m purely GUESSING you forgot the necessary code from the question part of what you linked to.

The question has the following line at the very top:

Intent imageIntent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

If you just copied the code from the answer, then you would have that error because the code in the answer does not contain the instantiation of imageIntent.

Let me know if you need anything further or if I’m just totally wrong.

UPDATE (regarding image being overwritten):

You are currently using "image_001.jpg" as the string that represents the image name.
Set a variable within your Class int imageNum = 0;
Then you need to use a while loop and increment the image number – or you can create a different name for the image based on the time – that is another way to do it.

String fileName = "image_" + String.valueOf(imageNum) + ".jpg";
File output = new File(imagesFolder, fileName);
while (output.exists()){
    fileName = "image_" + String.valueOf(imageNum) + ".jpg";
    output = new File(imagesFolder, fileName);
//now save the file to the sdcard using output as the file

The above code – while not tested personally – should work.

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