Android core library error

the error you get from Dx is based only on the java package names of the libs you are importing and nothing else.

the message can by summarized as: if you import a library in the java.* or javax.* namespace, it’s very likely that it depends on other “core” libraries that are only provided as part of the JDK, and therefore won’t be available in the Android platform. it’s essentially preventing you from doing something stupid, which is accurate 99% of the time when you see that message.

now, of course, just because a java package starts with java.* or javax.* does not necessarily mean that it depends on the JDK proper. it may work perfectly fine in android. to get around the stupidity check, add the –core-library option to dx. change the last line of $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/dx from,

exec java $javaOpts -jar "$jarpath" "$@"


exec java $javaOpts -jar "$jarpath" --core-library "$@"

in my case, i was including a library that depended on Jackson, which depends on JAXB. for me, overriding the stupidity check was acceptable because the library’s use of Jackson was only for JSON and not for XML serialization (i only include the JAXB API library, not the impl). of course i wish there was a cleaner way to go about this, but re-writing the top level library to avoid using Jackson was not an option.

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