Android Word-Wrap EditText text

Besides finding the source of the issue, I found the solution. If android:inputType is used, then textMultiLine must be used to enable multi-line support. Also, using inputType supersedes the code android:singleLine="false". If using inputType, then, to reiterate, textMultiLine must be used or the EditText object will only consist of one line, without word-wrapping.

Edit: Thank you Jacob Malliet for providing further good advice on this. He suggested to set the boolean scrollHorizontally property to false, 'android:scrollHorizontally="false"'.

Example XML code:

    android:id ="@+id/edtInput"
    android:layout_width ="0dip" 
    android:layout_height ="wrap_content" 
    android:layout_weight ="1" 
    android:maxLines ="4" 
    android:maxLength ="2000" 
    android:hint ="@string/compose_hint"
    android:scrollHorizontally="false" />

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