Angular 2: How to detect changes in an array? (@input property)

OnChanges Lifecycle Hook will trigger only when input property’s instance changes.

If you want to check whether an element inside the input array has been added, moved or removed, you can use IterableDiffers inside the DoCheck Lifecycle Hook as follows:

constructor(private iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers) {
    this.iterableDiffer = iterableDiffers.find([]).create(null);

ngDoCheck() {
    let changes = this.iterableDiffer.diff(this.inputArray);
    if (changes) {
        console.log('Changes detected!');

If you need to detect changes in objects inside an array, you will need to iterate through all elements, and apply KeyValueDiffers for each element. (You can do this in parallel with previous check).

Visit this post for more information: Detect changes in objects inside array in Angular2

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