Annual calender in page [closed]

If you are using the standard ASP.NET calendar control, then you can style dates by implementing a DayRender(…) event handler. The DayRender event is raised for each day that is created for the Calendar control.

Here you can check which date you are handling and style it. In your case, this is where you check if there is a note attached to the date. If so, you give it a different style.

Here’s an example that demonstrates this approach:

The example marks all the Indian holidays.

Some quick code:

protected void Calendar1_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
    // Check if there is a note attached to the day (e.Day.Date) which is being 
    // rendered.
    bool hasNote = ....;

    // Style cell (which contains the date) if it has a note
    if (hasNote)
       e.Cell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

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