Any way to break if statement in PHP?

Sometimes, when developing these “fancy” things are required. If we can break an if, a lot of nested ifs won’t be necessary, making the code much more clean and aesthetic.

This sample code illustrates that in certain situations a breaked if can be much more suitable than a lot of ugly nested ifs.

Ugly code

if(process_x()) {

    /* do a lot of other things */

    if(process_y()) {

         /* do a lot of other things */

         if(process_z()) {

              /* do a lot of other things */
              /* SUCCESS */

         else {



    else {



else {



Good looking code

do {
  if( !process_x() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }
  /* do a lot of other things */
  if( !process_y() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }
  /* do a lot of other things */
  if( !process_z() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }
  /* do a lot of other things */
  /* SUCCESS */
} while (0);

As @NiematojakTomasz says, the use of goto is an alternative, the bad thing about this is you always need to define the label (point target).

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