APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo

This special type of apklib dependency only works in android-maven-plugin from command line console. adding it as a dependency in your main project’s POM does not automatically import the library project into your Eclipse, so no library project shown in Package Explorer.

Simply adding the apklib as a dependency in pom doesn’t help much for project development. as packages/classes under the apklib is not referenced/linked to your main project. it is different from the regular jar dependency, where you simply add jar dependency into your project and start import/use packages/classes in your main project.

Your need import the library project into your Eclipse workspace, and link it with your main project. As you already use android-maven-plugin, the most straight forward way to do this is change your maven project into multi-module project and add the library project as a sub-module
check out the LibraryProjects from android-maven-plugin sample here

Hope this help.

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