APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) reliability

  1. APNS is based on Apple Servers, and Apple doesn’t give any guarantee on successful message delivery.
  2. If the app is open (i.e. the user is using the app) while the notification arrives, iOS doesn’t show a notification message, you need to handle it.
  3. Notification shows up only when the app is backgrounded or killed.
  4. Also implement feedback service on your server side; will help you get rid of old unwanted tokens (users who deleted the app or disabled notifications through settings).
  5. Don’t send too many notifications to a device within a short span of time, because APNS caches only 1 message/device (if the device is offline). So it can deliver the message when the device comes online. Am not sure how long the message is cached though.

Or just implement Pusher… http://pusher.com

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