application executable is missing a required architecture armv6

In the Xcode 4.2 GM this is still a problem but you can resolve it by doing the following.

  1. Switch to the files/folders view in xcode project

  2. Select your Project ( the blue icon)

  3. Select your Application under Targets in the middle of the screen.

  4. Go To build settings

  5. Find Architectures > Distribution

  6. Expand this section so you can see both Debug and Release

  7. Change “Standard (armv7) – $(ARCH_STANDARD_32_BIT)” to “Other…”

  8. Replace, “Standard (armv7) – $(ARCH_STANDARD_32_BIT)” with “armv6”, then add a new item “armv7”

Remember you may need to do this for all included projects aka frameworks such as TAPKU

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