Applying a decorator to every method in a class?

In Python 2.6, a class decorator is definitely the way to go. e.g., here’s a pretty general one for these kind of tasks:

import inspect

def decallmethods(decorator, prefix='test_'):
    def dectheclass(cls):
        for name, m in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isfunction):
            if name.startswith(prefix):
                setattr(cls, name, decorator(m))
        return cls
    return dectheclass

class TestCase(object):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_1(self):

    def test_2(self):

will get you what you desire. In Python 2.5 or worse, the @decallmethods syntax doesn’t work for class decoration, but with otherwise exactly the same code you can replace it with the following statement right after the end of the class TestCase statement:

TestCase = decallmethods(login_testuser)(TestCase)

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