ASP.NET MVC app custom error pages not displaying in shared hosting environment

I’ve found the solution and it’s incredibly simple. Turns out the problem was actually in IIS7. While debugging this issue in Visual Studio I saw a property of the HttpResponse object that I hadn’t noticed before:

public bool TrySkipIisCustomErrors { get; set; }

This lead me to my nearest search engine which turned up a great blog post by Rick Strahl and another on as well as this question here on SO. These links explain the gory details much better than I can, but this quote from Rick’s post captures it pretty well:

The real confusion here occurs because the error is trapped by
ASP.NET, but then ultimately still handled by IIS which looks at the
500 status code and returns the stock IIS error page.

It also seems this behavior is specific to IIS7 in Integrated mode. From msdn:

When running in Classic mode in IIS 7.0 the TrySkipIisCustomErrors
property default value is true. When running in Integrated mode, the
TrySkipIisCustomErrors property default value is false.

So essentially all I ended up having to do is add Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; right after any code that sets the Response.StatusCode to 500 or 503 and everything now functions as designed.

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