backbone.js structuring nested views and models

To be able to reach attributes on related models, the model must have some kind of knowledge about what models it is related to. Backbone.js does not implicitly deal with relations or nesting, which means you must yourself make sure that the models have knowledge of each other. To answer your questions, one way to go about it is to make sure each child model has a ‘parent’ attribute. This way you can traverse the nesting first up to the parent and then down to any siblings that you know of.

To be more specific with your questions. When initializing modelA, you are probably creating modelB and modelC, I would suggest setting a link to the parent model when doing this, like this:

ModelA = Backbone.Model.extend({

    initialize: function(){
        this.modelB = new modelB();
        this.modelB.parent = this;
        this.modelC = new modelC();
        this.modelC.parent = this;

This way you can reach the parent model in any child model function by calling this.parent.

Regarding your views, when doing nested backbone views, I find it easier to let each view represent one HTML tag by using the tagName option of the view. I would write your views as this:

ViewA = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "div",
    id: "new",

    initialize: function(){
       this.viewB = new ViewB();
       this.viewB.parentView = this;

ViewB = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "h1",

    render: function(){
        $(this.el).html("Header text"); // or use this.options.headerText or equivalent

    funcB1: function(){


Then in your application initialization code (eg in your controller), I would initiate ViewA and place its element inside the body element.

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