Bridges in a connected graph

Def: Bridge is an edge, when removed, will disconnect the graph (or increase the number of connected components by 1).

One observation regarding bridges in graph; none of the edges that belong to a loop can be a bridge. So in a graph such as A--B--C--A, removing any of the edge A--B, B--C and C--A will not disconnect the graph. But, for an undirected graph, the edge A--B implies B--A; and this edge could still be a bridge, where the only loop it is in is A--B--A. So, we should consider only those loops formed by a back edge. This is where the parent information you’ve passed in the function argument helps. It will help you to not use the loops such as A--B--A.

Now to identify the back edge (or the loop), A--B--C--A we use the low and pre arrays. The array pre is like the visited array in the dfs algorithm; but instead of just flagging that the vertex as visited, we identify each vertex with a different number (according to its position in the dfs tree). The low array helps to identify if there is a loop. The low array identifies the lowest numbered (from pre array) vertex that the current vertex can reach.

Lets work through this graph A--B--C--D--B.

Starting at A

dfs:   ^                 ^                 ^                 ^              ^
pre:   0 -1 -1 -1 -1  0--1 -1 -1  1  0--1--2 -1  1  0--1--2--3  1  0--1--2--3--1
graph: A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B
low:   0 -1 -1 -1 -1  0--1 -1 -1  1  0--1--2 -1  1  0--1--2--3  1  0--1--2--3->1

At this point, you’ve encountered a cycle/loop in graph. In your code if (pre[w] == -1) will be false this time. So, you’ll enter the else part. The if statement there is checking if B is the parent vertex of D. It is not, so D will absorb B‘s pre value into low. Continuing the example,

dfs:            ^
pre:   0--1--2--3
graph: A--B--C--D
low:   0--1--2--1   

This low value of D propagates back to C through the code low[v] = Math.min(low[v], low[w]);.

dfs:         ^           ^           ^
pre:   0--1--2--3--1  0--1--2--3--1  0--1--2--3--1
graph: A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B  A--B--C--D--B
low:   0--1--1--1--1  0--1--1--1--1  0--1--1--1--1

Now, that the cycle/loop is identified, we note that the vertex A is not part of the loop. So, you print out A--B as a bridge. The code low['B'] == pre['B'] means an edge to B will be a bridge. This is because, the lowest vertex we can reach from B is B itself.

Hope this explanation helps.

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