Build vs new in Rails 3

You’re misreading the docs slightly. is creating a new Client object from the clients collection, and so it can automatically set the firm_id to, whereas the docs are calling which has no knowledge of any Firm’s id at all, so it needs the firm_id passed to it.

The only difference between and seems to be that build also adds the newly-created client to the clients collection:

(some_firm = # Create and save a new Firm
#=> true

some_firm.clients           # No clients yet
#=> []       # Create a new client
#=> #<Client id: nil, firm_id: 1, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

some_firm.clients           # Still no clients
#=> []     # Create a new client with build
#=> #<Client id: nil, firm_id: 1, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

some_firm.clients           # New client is added to clients
#=> [#<Client id: nil, firm_id: 1, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>]
#=> true

some_firm.clients           # Saving firm also saves the attached client
#=> [#<Client id: 1, firm_id: 1, created_at: "2011-02-11 00:18:47", updated_at: "2011-02-11 00:18:47">] 

If you’re creating an object through an association, build should be preferred over new as build keeps your in-memory object, some_firm (in this case) in a consistent state even before any objects have been saved to the database.

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