C#-like properties in native C++?

WARNING: This is a tongue-in-cheek response and is terrible!!!

Yes, it’s sort of possible 🙂

template<typename T>
class Property
    T& _value;

    Property(T& value) : _value(value)
    }   // eo ctor

    Property<T>& operator = (const T& val)
        _value = val;
        return *this;
    };  // eo operator =

    operator const T&() const
        return _value;
    };  // eo operator ()

Then declare your class, declaring properties for your members:

class Test
    std::string _label;
    int         _width;

    Test() : Label(_label)
           , Width(_width)

    Property<std::string> Label;
    Property<int>         Width;

And call C# style!

Test a;
a.Label = "blah";
a.Width = 5;

std::string label = a.Label;
int width = a.Width;

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