C++ linking error after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.9 / Xcode 5.0.1

The answer is there: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/34692/mathlink-linking-error-after-os-x-10-9-mavericks-upgrade

There are two implementations of the standard C++ library available on OS X: libstdc++ and libc++. They are not binary compatible and libMLi3 requires libstdc++.

On 10.8 and earlier libstdc++ is chosen by default, on 10.9 libc++ is chosen by default. To ensure compatibility with libMLi3, we need to choose libstdc++ manually.

To do this, add -stdlib=libstdc++ to the linking command.

Related post: Compiling with Clang using Libc++ undefined references

Edit: After some investigations it seems there is a link between the -mmacosx-version-min and the choice of the default libstd. If min version < 10.9, then the default libstd is equal to libstdc++, else to libc++. The long term solution is clearly to use -stdlib=libc++

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