Calling a Python function with *args,**kwargs and optional / default arguments

You can do that in Python 3.

def func(a,b,*args,kw1=None,**kwargs):

The bare * is only used when you want to specify keyword only arguments without accepting a variable number of positional arguments with *args. You don’t use two *s.

To quote from the grammar, in Python 2, you have

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" identifier [, "**" identifier]
                    | "**" identifier
                    | defparameter [","] )

while in Python 3, you have

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" [parameter] ("," defparameter)*
                    [, "**" parameter]
                    | "**" parameter
                    | defparameter [","] )

which includes a provision for additional parameters after the * parameter.


Latest Python 3 documentation here.

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