Calling properly TypeScript code from JavaScript

The justification that TypeScript is essentially compiled into JavaScript seems to be obscure because there are no trustful sources on information on the topic on how to properly consume that compiled JavaScript from handwritten JavaScript and what are the hidden caveats

Consuming TypeScript from JavaScript is the same as consuming TypeScript from TypeScript, or JavaScript from JavaScript for that matter. For example, let’s say you have a function in TypeScript:

function f(n: number) { return 'the number is ' + n; }

To call this function from TypeScript, you would write

var x = f(42);

To call this function from JavaScript, you would write

var x = f(42);

Let’s say you have a class in TypeScript:

class MyClass { /* ... */ }

To use this class from TypeScript, you would write

var c = new MyClass();

To use this class from JavaScript, you would write

var c = new MyClass();

In other words, it’s exactly the same. No guidance has been given because none is needed.

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