How do I split a TypeScript class into multiple files?

Lately I use this pattern:

// file class.ts
import { getValue, setValue } from "./methods";

class BigClass {
    public getValue = getValue;
    public setValue = setValue;

    protected value = "a-value";
// file methods.ts
import { BigClass } from "./class";

function getValue(this: BigClass) {
    return this.value;

function setValue(this: BigClass, value: string ) {
   this.value = value;

This way we can put methods in a seperate file. Now there is some circular dependency thing going on here. The file class.ts imports from methods.ts and methods.ts imports from class.ts. This may seem scary, but this is not a problem. As long as the code execution is not circular everything is fine and in this case the methods.ts file is not executing any code from the class.ts file. NP!

You could also use it with a generic class like this:

class BigClass<T> {
    public getValue = getValue;
    public setValue = setValue;

    protected value?: T;

function getValue<T>(this: BigClass<T>) {
    return this.value;

function setValue<T>(this: BigClass<T>, value: T) {
    this.value = value;

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