Can a PHP function accept an unlimited number of parameters? [duplicate]

In PHP, use the function func_get_args to get all passed arguments.

function myfunc(){
    $args = func_get_args();
    foreach ($args as $arg)
      echo $arg."/n";

myfunc('hello', 'world', '.');

An alternative is to pass an array of variables to your function, so you don’t have to work with things like $arg[2]; and instead can use $args['myvar']; or rewmember what order things are passed in. It is also infinitely expandable which means you can add new variables later without having to change what you’ve already coded.

function myfunc($args){
    while(list($var, $value)=each($args))
      echo $var.' '.$value."/n";

myfunc(array('first'=>'hello', 'second'=>'world', '.'));

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