Can a raw Lucene index be loaded by Solr?

Success! With Pascal’s suggestion of changes to schema.xml I got it working in no time. Thanks!

Here are my complete steps for anyone interested:

  1. Downloaded Solr and copied dist/apache-solr-1.4.0.war to tomcat/webapps
  2. Copied example/solr/conf to /usr/local/solr/
  3. Copied pre-existing Lucene index files to /usr/local/solr/data/index
  4. Set solr.home to /usr/local/solr
  5. In solrconfig.xml, changed dataDir to /usr/local/solr/data (Solr looks for the index directory inside)
  6. Loaded my Lucene indexes into Luke for browsing (awesome tool)
  7. In the example schema.xml, removed all fields and field types except for “string”
  8. In the example schema.xml, added 14 field definitions corresponding to the 14 fields shown in Luke. Example: <field name="docId" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  9. In the example schema.xml, changed uniqueKey to the field in my index that seemed to be a document id
  10. In the example schema.xml, changed defaultSearchField to the field in my index that seemed to contain terms
  11. Started tomcat, saw no exceptions finally, and successfully ran some queries in localhost:8080/solr/admin

This is just proof for me that it can work. Obviously there’s a lot more configuration to be done.

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