Can we pass model as a parameter in RedirectToAction?

Using TempData

Represents a set of data that persists only from one request to the

public ActionResult FillStudent(Student student1)
    TempData["student"]= new Student();
    return RedirectToAction("GetStudent","Student");

public ActionResult GetStudent(Student passedStd)
    Student std=(Student)TempData["student"];
    return View();

Alternative way
Pass the data using Query string

return RedirectToAction("GetStudent","Student", new {Name="John", Class="clsz"});

This will generate a GET Request like Student/GetStudent?Name=John & Class=clsz

Ensure the method you want to redirect to is decorated with [HttpGet] as
the above RedirectToAction will issue GET Request with http status
code 302 Found (common way of performing url redirect)

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