Can we set persistent default parameters which remain set until explicitly changed?

Maybe I misunderstood the question, but you seem to be looking for default initialisers for each separate property. For that, you have to use destructuring:

const fn = ({a = 1, b = 2, c = 3} = {}) => console.log({a, b, c});

If you want to keep arbitrary properties, not just those that you know of up front, you might be interested in the object rest/spread properties proposal that allows you to write

const fn = ({a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, ...opts} = {}) => console.log({a, b, c, ...opts});

Can an opts variable as the single object reference be achieved solely utilizing default parameters, without defining an object to reference outside of function parameters or within function body?

No. Parameter declarations are only able to initialise variables with (parts of) the arguments, and possibly (as syntactic sugar) with default values when no or undefined argument (parts) are passed. They are not able to carry out unconditional computations and create variables inialised from the results – which is what you attempt to achieve here.

You are supposed to use the function body for that.

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