Checking a Url in Jquery/Javascript

That isn’t how AJAX works. AJAX is fundamentally asynchronous (that’s actually what the first ‘A’ stands for), which means rather than you call a function and it returns a value, instead you call a function and pass in a callback, and that callback will be called with the value.


What do you want to do after you know whether the URL is responding or not? If you intended to use this method like this:

//do stuff
var exists = urlExists(url);
//do more stuff based on the boolean value of exists

Then what you instead have to do is:

//do stuff
urlExists(url, function(exists){
  //do more stuff based on the boolean value of exists

where urlExists() is:

function urlExists(url, callback){
    type: 'HEAD',
    url: url,
    success: function(){
    error: function() {

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