Chi Square Analysis using for loop in R

A sample of your data would be appreciated, but I think this will work for you. First, create a combination of all columns with combn. Then write a function to use with an apply function to iterate through the combos. I like to use plyr since it is easy to specify what you want for a data structure on the back end. Also note you only need to compute the chi square test once for each combination of columns, which should speed things up quite a bit as well.


combos <- combn(ncol(Dat),2)

adply(combos, 2, function(x) {
  test <- chisq.test(Dat[, x[1]], Dat[, x[2]])

  out <- data.frame("Row" = colnames(Dat)[x[1]]
                    , "Column" = colnames(Dat[x[2]])
                    , "Chi.Square" = round(test$statistic,3)
                    ,  "df"= test$parameter
                    ,  "p.value" = round(test$p.value, 3)


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