Chrome Extension: how to capture selected text and send to a web service

You can do this by using Extensions Messaging. Basically, your “background page” will send the request to your service. For example, lets say you have a “popup” and once you click on it, it will do a “Google search” which is your service.


In your content script, we need to listen for a request coming from your extension, so that we send it the selected text:

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if (request.method == "getSelection")
      sendResponse({data: window.getSelection().toString()});
      sendResponse({}); // snub them.


Now in background page you can handle the popup onclick event so that we know we clicked on the popup. Once we clicked on it, the callback fires, and then we can send a request to the content script using “Messaging” to fetch the selected text.

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
  chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {method: "getSelection"}, function(response){

function sendServiceRequest(selectedText) {
  var serviceCall="" + selectedText;
  chrome.tabs.create({url: serviceCall});

As you have seen, I registered a listener in a content script to allow my extension to send and receive messages from it. Then once I received a message, I handle it by searching for Google.

Hopefully, you can use what I explained above and apply it to your scenario. I just have to warn you that the code written above is not tested, so their might be spelling, or syntax errors. But those can easily be found by looking at your Inspector 🙂

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