Circular References Cause Memory Leak?

Great question!

No, Both forms will be (can be) GC’d because the GC does not directly look for references in other references. It only looks for what are called “Root” references … This includes reference variables on the stack, (Variable is on the stack, actual object is of course on the heap), references variables in CPU registers, and reference variables that are static fields in classes…

All other reference variables are only accessed (and GC’d) if they are referenced in a property of one of the “root” reference objects found by the above process… (or in an object referenced by a reference in a root object, etc…)

So only if one of the forms is referenced somewhere else in a “root” reference – Then both forms will be safe from the GC.

only way I can think of to “prove” it, (without using memory trace utilities) would be to create couple hundred thousand of these forms, in a loop inside a method, then, while in the method, look at the app’s memory footprint, then exit from the method, call the GC, and look at the footprint again.

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