Conflicting library version in a Java Maven project

You can use the tree goal of the Maven dependency plugin to display all transitive dependencies in your project and look for dependencies that say “omitted for conflict”.1

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose | grep 'omitted for conflict'

Once you know which dependency has version conflicts, you can use the includes parameter to show just dependencies that lead to that one to see how a particular dependency is being pulled in. For example, a project where different versions of C are pulled in by A and B:

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=project-c

[INFO] +- project-a:project-a:jar:0.1:compile
[INFO] |  \- project-c:project-c:jar:1.0:compile
[INFO] \- project-b:project-b:jar:0.2:compile
[INFO]    \- project-x:project-x:jar:0.1:compile
[INFO]       \- (project-c:project-c:jar:2.0:compile - omitted for conflict)

To actually resolve the conflict, in some cases it may be possible to find a version of the transitive dependency that both of your primary dependencies will work with. Add the transitive dependency to the dependencyManagement section of your pom and try changing the version until one works.

However, in other cases it may not be possible to find a version of the dependency that works for everyone. In these cases, you may have to step back the version on one of the primary dependencies in order to make it use a version of the transitive dependency that works for everybody. For instance, in the example above, A 0.1 uses C 1.0 and B 0.2 uses C 2.0. Assume C 1.0 and 2.0 are completely incompatible. But maybe it is possible for your project to use B 0.1 instead, which happens to depend on C 1.5, which is compatible with C 1.0.

Of course these two strategies will not always work, but I have found success with them before. Other more drastic options include packaging your own version of the dependency that fixes the incompatibility or trying to isolate the two dependencies in separate classloaders.

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