Control cursor position in UITextField

Controlling cursor position in a UITextField is complicated because so many abstractions are involved with input boxes and calculating positions. However, it’s certainly possible. You can use the member function setSelectedTextRange:

[input setSelectedTextRange:[input textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end]];

Here’s a function which takes a range and selects the texts in that range. If you just want to place the cursor at a certain index, just use a range with length 0:

+ (void)selectTextForInput:(UITextField *)input atRange:(NSRange)range {
    UITextPosition *start = [input positionFromPosition:[input beginningOfDocument] 
    UITextPosition *end = [input positionFromPosition:start
    [input setSelectedTextRange:[input textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end]];

For example, to place the cursor at idx in the UITextField input:

    [Helpers selectTextForInput:input 
                        atRange:NSMakeRange(idx, 0)];

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