Create dynamic number of input elements with R/Shiny

You could handle generation of the UI element in server.R, so you have something like:


shinyUI( pageWithSideBar(
    selectInput("numIndividuals", ...)



shinyServer( function(input, output, session) {

  output$sliders <- renderUI({
    numIndividuals <- as.integer(input$numIndividuals)
    lapply(1:numIndividuals, function(i) {


When I have UI elements that depend on values from other UI elements, I find it easiest to generate them in server.R.

It’s useful to understand that all of the _Input functions just generate HTML. When you want to generate that HTML dynamically it makes sense to move it to server.R. And perhaps the other thing worth emphasizing is that it’s okay to return a list of HTML ‘elements’ in a renderUI call.

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