Create new variables with mutate_at while keeping the original ones

Update 2020-06 for dplyr 1.0.0

Starting in dplyr 1.0.0, the across() function supersedes the “scoped variants” of functions such as mutate_at(). The code should look pretty familiar within across(), which is nested inside mutate().

Adding a name to the function(s) you give in the list adds the function name as a suffix.

dataframe %>%
     mutate( across(contains('oo'), 
                    .fns = list(cat = ~ntile(., 2))) )

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  helloo ooooHH ahaaa helloo_cat ooooHH_cat
   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>      <int>      <int>
1      1      1   200          1          1
2      2      1   400          1          1
3      3      1   120          1          1
4      4      2   300          2          2
5      5      2   100          2          2
6      6      2   100          2          2

Changing the new columns names is a little easier in 1.0.0 with the .names argument in across(). Here is an example of adding the function name as a prefix instead of a suffix. This uses glue syntax.

dataframe %>%
     mutate( across(contains('oo'), 
                    .fns = list(cat = ~ntile(., 2)),
                    .names = "{fn}_{col}" ) )

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  helloo ooooHH ahaaa cat_helloo cat_ooooHH
   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>      <int>      <int>
1      1      1   200          1          1
2      2      1   400          1          1
3      3      1   120          1          1
4      4      2   300          2          2
5      5      2   100          2          2
6      6      2   100          2          2

Original answer with mutate_at()

Edited to reflect changes in dplyr. As of dplyr 0.8.0, funs() is deprecated and list() with ~ should be used instead.

You can give names to the functions to the list you pass to .funs to make new variables with the names as suffixes attached.

dataframe %>% mutate_at(vars(contains('oo')), .funs = list(cat = ~ntile(., 2)))

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  helloo ooooHH ahaaa helloo_cat ooooHH_cat
   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>      <int>      <int>
1      1      1   200          1          1
2      2      1   400          1          1
3      3      1   120          1          1
4      4      2   300          2          2
5      5      2   100          2          2
6      6      2   100          2          2

If you want it as a prefix instead, you could then use rename_at to change the names.

dataframe %>% 
     mutate_at(vars(contains('oo')), .funs = list(cat = ~ntile(., 2))) %>%
     rename_at( vars( contains( "_cat") ), list( ~paste("cat", gsub("_cat", "", .), sep = "_") ) )

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  helloo ooooHH ahaaa cat_helloo cat_ooooHH
   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>      <int>      <int>
1      1      1   200          1          1
2      2      1   400          1          1
3      3      1   120          1          1
4      4      2   300          2          2
5      5      2   100          2          2
6      6      2   100          2          2

Previous code with funs() from earlier versions of dplyr:

dataframe %>% 
     mutate_at(vars(contains('oo')), .funs = funs(cat = ntile(., 2))) %>%
     rename_at( vars( contains( "_cat") ), funs( paste("cat", gsub("_cat", "", .), sep = "_") ) )

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