Create sequential ID value based on the year that a record is added

With Access versions 2010 and later you can use an event-driven data macro to generate the sequential ID. For example, say you have a table named [poledata]. Open it in Design View and add two fields:

alternate_id_seq  –  Numeric (Long Integer)
alternate_id  –  Text(20)

Save the changes to your table and then switch to Datasheet View.

In the Access ribbon, switch to the “Table Tools > Table” tab and click “Before Change”


then enter the following macro …


… or paste the following XML into the macro editor window

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
<DataMacros xmlns="">
    <DataMacro Event="BeforeChange">
                        <Action Name="SetLocalVar">
                            <Argument Name="Name">next_seq</Argument>
                            <Argument Name="Value">1</Argument>
                        <Action Name="SetLocalVar">
                            <Argument Name="Name">prefix</Argument>
                            <Argument Name="Value">&quot;SAC&quot; &amp; Year(Date()) Mod 100 &amp; &quot;-&quot;</Argument>
                            <Data Alias="pd">
                                        <Reference Source="poledata" Alias="pd" />
                                        <Property Source="pd" Name="alternate_id_seq" />
                                        <Order Direction="Descending" Source="pd" Name="alternate_id_seq" />
                                <WhereCondition>[pd].[alternate_id] Like [prefix] &amp; &quot;*&quot;</WhereCondition>
                                <Action Name="SetLocalVar">
                                    <Argument Name="Name">next_seq</Argument>
                                    <Argument Name="Value">[pd].[alternate_id_seq]+1</Argument>
                        <Action Name="SetField">
                            <Argument Name="Field">alternate_id_seq</Argument>
                            <Argument Name="Value">[next_seq]</Argument>
                        <Action Name="SetField">
                            <Argument Name="Field">alternate_id</Argument>
                            <Argument Name="Value">[prefix] &amp; [next_seq]</Argument>

Now when new rows are added to the table the [alternate_id_seq] and [alternate_id] columns will be populated automatically.


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