Creating a dynamic repeater with ng-content transclusion

You could use ngTemplateOutlet to achieve it.

Following are the steps in implementing dynamic repeater:

First step is to provide a TemplateRef as a child element of the RepeaterComponent:

<repeater [repeaterArray]="repeaterObj">

Second step is to query this template within RepeaterComponent via @ContentChild:

export class RepeaterComponent { 
  @ContentChild(TemplateRef) itemTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

Third step is use ngTemplateOutlet to render the template:

  selector: 'repeater',
  template: `
    <input type="button" value="Add" (click)="addRow()">
    <div class="repeater" *ngFor="let row of repeaterArray">
        <div class="repeaterRow">
            <input type="button" value="Remove" (click)="removeRow(row.rowId)">
            <ng-template <== this line
                    [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: row }">
export class RepeaterComponent { 
  @Input() repeaterArray: Array<any>;
  @ContentChild(TemplateRef) itemTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

Fourth step is to use reference to the row inside TemplateRef within MasterComponent (just back to our first step):

<repeater [repeaterArray]="repeaterObj">
  <template let-row>
    <field-textbox [data]="" [label]="'Name'"></field-textbox>
    <field-textbox [data]="row.description" [label]="'Description'"></field-textbox>

Notice: we are passing ngOutletContext like object with $implicit property.

using the key $implicit in the context object will set it’s value as

It works as follows:

[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: row }"  ==> <template let-row>

[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ item: row }"       ==> <template let-row="item">

ngOutletContext is availlable only since Angular 2 version of 2.0.0-rc.2

You could try the corresponding plunkr (updated to 5.0.0)

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