Creating a new subdirectory structure in ClearCase?

As explained in How can I use ClearCase to “add to source control …” recursively?, you have to use clearfsimport which does what you are saying (checkout the parent directories, mkelem for the elements)

clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset c:\sourceDir\ChildDirectory5 m:\MyView\MyVob\ParentDirectory

Note the :

  • -preview option: it will allow to check what would happen without actually doing anything.
  • ‘*’ used only in Windows environment, in order to import the content of a directory
  • -nset option (see my previous answer about nset).

I would recommend dynamic view for those initialization phases where you need to import a lot of data: you can quickly see what your view looks like without making any update (like “without updating your workspace”):
ClearCase allows to access the data in two ways:

  • snapshot view (like a SVN workspace, except all the .svn are actually externalized in a view storage outside the workspace)
  • dynamic view: all your files are visible through the network (instant access/update)

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