Creating Google Calendar events with a GCP Service Account


You need to enable the APIs and provide scopes in three places: in your auth code, in the GCP console, and the Google Admin console.

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As I explained in the comments, the code you have provided should run without issue. The Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes. error is a result of the service account not being given access to the required scopes somewhere on Google’s side.

Make sure you have completed the following steps:

  1. Provided the scopes in the application as an auth object (which you have already done):
const auth = new GoogleAuth({
    scopes: ['',
  1. Enabled the Calendar API in the GCP console for your Service Account GCP Project.
  2. Provided the required scopes for your service account in the OAuth consent screen settings in GCP.
  3. Added the required scopes to the service account in the Google Admin console. This is done by following the Security > Advanced Settings > Manage API client access UI elements, and assigning all scopes the service account needs to the service account client ID.

Note: This final step must be done by a domain admin and can not be done by anyone who is not.

In this case, you will need to contact your domain admin to give your project API access.


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