CUDA allocation alignment is 256 bytes – seriously?

The pointers which are allocated by using any of the CUDA Runtime’s device memory allocation functions e.g cudaMalloc or cudaMallocPitch are guaranteed to be 256 byte aligned, i.e. the address is a multiple of 256.

Consider the following example:

char *ptr1, *ptr2;

int bytes = 1;


Suppose the address returned in ptr1 is some multiple of 256, then the address returned in ptr2 will be atleast (ptr1 + 256).

This is a restriction imposed by the device on which the memory is being allocated. Mostly, pointers are aligned due to performance purposes. (Some NVIDIA guy should be able to tell if there is some other reason also).


Pointer alignment is not always 256. On my device (GTX460M), it is 512. You can get the device pointer alignment by the cudaDeviceProp::textureAlignment field.

Alignment of pointers is also a requirement for binding the pointer to textures.

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