Custom Adapter getView() method is not called

The only reasons getView is not called are:

  1. getCount returns 0.
  2. you forget to call setAdapter on the ListView.
  3. If the ListView‘s visibility (or its container’s visibility) is GONE. Thanks to @TaynãBonaldo for the valuable input.
  4. ListView is not attached to any viewport layout. That is, mListView = new ListView(...) is used without myLayout.addView(mListView).

In the onPostExcute, after you create a new instance of CarListAdapter I will suggest you to update the new instance to your ListView. Indeed you need to call again


Edit: setAdapter should be always called on the ui thread, to avoid unexpected behaviours


The same applies to RecyclerView. Make sure that

  • getItemCount is returning a value grater than 0 (usually the dataset size)
  • both setLayoutManager and setAdapter have to be called on the UI Thread
  • The visibility of the widget has to be set to VISIBLE

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