Custom Filter in Django Admin on Django 1.3 or below

Thanks to gpilotino for giving me the push into the right direction for implementing this.

I noticed the question’s code is using a datetime to figure out when its live . So I used the DateFieldFilterSpec and subclassed it.

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.admin.filterspecs import FilterSpec, ChoicesFilterSpec,DateFieldFilterSpec
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from datetime import datetime

class IsLiveFilterSpec(DateFieldFilterSpec):
    Adds filtering by future and previous values in the admin
    filter sidebar. Set the is_live_filter filter in the model field attribute
    'is_live_filter'.    my_model_field.is_live_filter = True

    def __init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_admin):
        super(IsLiveFilterSpec, self).__init__(f, request, params, model,
        today =
        self.links = (
            (_('Any'), {}),
            (_('Yes'), {'%s__lte' % str(today),
            (_('No'), {'%s__gte' % str(today),


    def title(self):
        return "Is Live"

# registering the filter
FilterSpec.filter_specs.insert(0, (lambda f: getattr(f, 'is_live_filter', False),

To use you can put the above code into a, and import it in the model you want to add the filter to

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