Custom Iterator in C++

When I did my own iterator (a while ago now) I inherited from std::iterator and specified the type as the first template parameter. Hope that helps.

For forward iterators user forward_iterator_tag rather than input_iterator_tag in the following code.

This class was originally taken from istream_iterator class (and modified for my own use so it may not resemble the istram_iterator any more).

template<typename T>
class <PLOP>_iterator
         :public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,       // type of iterator
                               T,ptrdiff_t,const T*,const T&> // Info about iterator
        const T& operator*() const;
        const T* operator->() const;
        <PLOP>__iterator& operator++();
        <PLOP>__iterator operator++(int);
        bool equal(<PLOP>__iterator const& rhs) const;

template<typename T>
inline bool operator==(<PLOP>__iterator<T> const& lhs,<PLOP>__iterator<T> const& rhs)
    return lhs.equal(rhs);

Check this documentation on iterator tags:

Having just re-read the information on iterators:

This is the old way of doing things (iterator_tags) the more modern approach is to set up iterator_traits<> for your iterator to make it fully compatible with the STL.

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