data block size in HDFS, why 64MB?

What does 64MB block size mean?

The block size is the smallest data unit that a file system can store. If you store a file that’s 1k or 60Mb, it’ll take up one block. Once you cross the 64Mb boundary, you need a second block.

If yes, what is the advantage of doing that?

HDFS is meant to handle large files. Let’s say you have a 1000Mb file. With a 4k block size, you’d have to make 256,000 requests to get that file (1 request per block). In HDFS, those requests go across a network and come with a lot of overhead. Each request has to be processed by the Name Node to determine where that block can be found. That’s a lot of traffic! If you use 64Mb blocks, the number of requests goes down to 16, significantly reducing the cost of overhead and load on the Name Node.

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