Delete from array in javascript

Walk through the array in reverse order, and use .splice to remove the element.
You have to walk in the reverse order, because otherwise you end up skipping elements See below.

for (var i = Roomdata.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (Roomdata[i].id == X) {
        Roomdata.splice(i, 1);

What happens if you don’t walk in the reverse order:

// This happens in a for(;;) loop:
// Variable init:
var array = [1, 2, 3];
var i = 0;

array.splice(i, 1); // array = [2, 3]   array.length = 2
// i < 2, so continue
i++;  // i = 1    

array.splice(i, 1); // i=1, so removes item at place 1: array = [2]
// i < 1 is false, so stop.

// array = [2]. You have skipped one element.

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