depth buffer got by glReadPixels is always 1

I think you are reading correctly the only problem is that you are not linearize the depth from buffer back to <znear...zfar> range hence the ~1 value for whole screen due to logarithmic dependence of depth (almost all the values are very close to 1).

I am doing this like this:

double glReadDepth(double x,double y,double *per=NULL)                  // x,y [pixels], per[16]
    GLfloat _z=0.0; double m[16],z,zFar,zNear;
    if (per==NULL){ per=m; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,per); }    // use actual perspective matrix if not passed
    zFar =0.5*per[14]*(1.0-((per[10]-1.0)/(per[10]+1.0)));              // compute zFar from perspective matrix
    zNear=zFar*(per[10]+1.0)/(per[10]-1.0);                             // compute zNear from perspective matrix
    glReadPixels(x,y,1,1,GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT,GL_FLOAT,&_z);              // read depth value
    z=_z;                                                               // logarithmic
    z=(2.0*z)-1.0;                                                      // logarithmic NDC
    z=(2.0*zNear*zFar)/(zFar+zNear-(z*(zFar-zNear)));                   // linear <zNear,zFar>
    return -z;

Do not forget that x,y is in pixels and (0,0) is bottom left corner !!! The returned depth is in range <zNear,zFar>. The function is assuming you are using perspective transform like this:

void glPerspective(double fovy,double aspect,double zNear,double zFar)
    double per[16],f;
    for (int i=0;i<16;i++) per[i]=0.0;
    // original gluProjection
//  f=divide(1.0,tan(0.5*fovy*deg))
//  per[ 0]=f/aspect;
//  per[ 5]=f;
    // corrected gluProjection
    per[ 0]=f;
    per[ 5]=f*aspect;
    // z range

Beware the depth accuracy will be good only for close to camera object without linear depth buffer. For more info see:

If the problem persist there might be also another reason for this. Do you have Depth buffer in your pixel format? In windows You can check like this:

Missing depth buffer could explain why the value is always 1 (not like ~0.997). In such case you need to change the init of your window enabling some bits for depth buffer (16/24/32). See:

For more detailed info about using this technique (with C++ example) see:

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