Determine season given timestamp in Python using datetime

if the date falls between March 21 and June 20, it is spring.
Regardless of the year. I want it to just look at the month and day
and ignore the year in this calculation.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import date, datetime

Y = 2000 # dummy leap year to allow input X-02-29 (leap day)
seasons = [('winter', (date(Y,  1,  1),  date(Y,  3, 20))),
           ('spring', (date(Y,  3, 21),  date(Y,  6, 20))),
           ('summer', (date(Y,  6, 21),  date(Y,  9, 22))),
           ('autumn', (date(Y,  9, 23),  date(Y, 12, 20))),
           ('winter', (date(Y, 12, 21),  date(Y, 12, 31)))]

def get_season(now):
    if isinstance(now, datetime):
        now =
    now = now.replace(year=Y)
    return next(season for season, (start, end) in seasons
                if start <= now <= end)


It is an extended version of @Manuel G answer to support any year.

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