Difference between scanf() and strtol() / strtod() in parsing numbers

Communication with Fred J. Tydeman, Vice-char of PL22.11 (ANSI “C”), on comp.std.c shed some light on this:


An input item is defined as the
longest sequence of input characters
[…] which is, or is a prefix of, a
matching input sequence. ( P9)

This makes “0x” the longest sequence that is a prefix of a matching input sequence. (Even with %i conversion, as the hex “0x” is a longer sequence than the decimal “0”.)

The first character, if any, after the
input item remains unread. ( P9)

This makes fscanf read the “z”, and put it back as not-matching (honoring the one-character pushback limit of footnote 251)).

If the input item is not a matching
sequence, the execution of the
directive fails: this condition is a
matching failure. ( P10)

This makes “0x” fail to match, i.e. fscanf should assign no value, return zero (if the %x or %i was the first conv. specifier), and leave “z” as the first unread character in the input stream.


The definition of strtol (and strtoul) differs in one crucial point:

The subject sequence is defined as the
longest initial subsequence of the
input string, starting with the first
non-white-space character, that is of
the expected form
. ( P4, emphasis mine)

Which means that strtol should look for the longest valid sequence, in this case the “0”. It should point endptr to the “x”, and return zero as result.

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