Difference between window.location.href and top.location.href

window.location.href returns the location of the current page.

top.location.href (which is an alias of window.top.location.href) returns the location of the topmost window in the window hierarchy. If a window has no parent, top is a reference to itself (in other words, window === window.top).

top is useful both when you’re dealing with frames and when dealing with windows which have been opened by other pages. For example, if you have a page called test.html with the following script:

var newWin=window.open('about:blank','test','width=100,height=100');

The resulting alert will have the full path to test.html – not about:blank, which is what window.location.href would return.

To answer your question about redirecting, go with window.location.assign(url);

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