Do built-in types have move semantics?

And so, is the one shown by the example a well-defined behavior?

Yes, the behaviour shown in the example is the only behaviour allowed by the standard. That is because std::move doesn’t move. The things that move are move constructors and move assignment operators.

All std::move does is change an lvalue into an xvalue, so that it can bind to rvalue references. It does not invoke any constructor or anything else. Changing the value category happens at the type level. Nothing happens at runtime.

Rvalue references are still references: they refer to the original object. The function increments the original integer through the reference given.

If a function takes an argument by reference, no copies nor moves happen: the original object is bound to the reference.

If a function takes an argument by value, then we might have a move.

However, fundamental types don’t have move constructors. Moves degrade to copies in that case.

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