Does Haskell have return type overloading?

Well, one way to look at it is that Haskell translates the return type polymorphism that you’re thinking of into parametric polymorphism, using something called the dictionary-passing translation for type classes. (Though this is not the only way to implement type classes or reason about them; it’s just the most popular.)

Basically, fromInteger has this type in Haskell:

fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a

That might be translated internally into something like this:

fromInteger# :: NumDictionary# a -> Integer -> a
fromInteger# NumDictionary# { fromInteger = method } x = method x

data NumDictionary# a = NumDictionary# { ...
                                       , fromInteger :: Integer -> a
                                       , ... }

So for each concrete type T with a Num instance, there’s a NumDictionary# T value that contains a function fromInteger :: Integer -> T, and all code that uses the Num type class is translated into code that takes a dictionary as the argument.

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