Does spark predicate pushdown work with JDBC?

Spark DataFrames support predicate push-down with JDBC sources but term predicate is used in a strict SQL meaning. It means it covers only WHERE clause. Moreover it looks like it is limited to the logical conjunction (no IN and OR I am afraid) and simple predicates.

Everything else, like limits, counts, ordering, groups and conditions is processed on the Spark side. One caveat, already covered on SO, is that df.count() or sqlContext.sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM df") is translated to SELECT 1 FROM df and requires both substantial data transfer and processing using Spark.

Does it mean it is a lost cause? Not exactly. It is possible to use an arbitrary subquery as a table argument. It is less convenient than a predicate pushdown but otherwise works pretty well:

n = ... # Number of rows to take
sql = "(SELECT * FROM dummy LIMIT {0}) AS tmp".format(int(n))
df =, table=sql)


This behavior may be improved in the future, once Data Source API v2 is ready:

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