Dynamic scenario freezes when called using afterFeature hook

For now, I have done the following workaround where I have added a test clean-up scenario at the end of the feature that has tests. Have stopped parallel execution for these tests and to be honest I do not mind these tests not running in parallel as they are fast to run anyways.

Ids to delete:

* def idsToDelete =

Test clean up scenario:

# Test data clean-up scenario
  Scenario: Delete test data
    # Js method to call delete data feature.
    * def deleteTestDataFun =
      function(x) {
        var temp = [x];
        // Call to feature. Pass argument as json object.
        karate.call('delete-test-data.feature', { id: temp });
    * karate.forEach(idsToDelete, deleteTestDataFun)

Calls the delete test data scenario and passes it a list of ids that needs to be deleted.

Delete test data feature:

Feature: To delete test data

    * def idVal = id

  Scenario: Delete 
    Given path 'tests', 'delete', idVal
    Then method delete

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