Edges on polygon outlines not always correct

Requires Eigen as written, but the core operations should map easily to whatever vector class you’re using.

// v0 and v1 are normalized
// t can vary between 0 and 1
// http://number-none.com/product/Understanding%20Slerp,%20Then%20Not%20Using%20It/
Vector2f slerp2d( const Vector2f& v0, const Vector2f& v1, float t )
    float dot = v0.dot(v1);
    if( dot < -1.0f ) dot = -1.0f;
    if( dot > 1.0f ) dot = 1.0f;

    float theta_0 = acos( dot );
    float theta = theta_0 * t;

    Vector2f v2( -v0.y(), v0.x() );

    return ( v0*cos(theta) + v2*sin(theta) );

void glPolyline( const vector<Vector2f>& polyline, float width )
    if( polyline.size() < 2 ) return;
    float w = width / 2.0f;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < polyline.size()-1; ++i )
        const Vector2f& cur = polyline[ i ];
        const Vector2f& nxt = polyline[i+1];

        Vector2f b = (nxt - cur).normalized();
        Vector2f b_perp( -b.y(), b.x() );

        Vector2f p0( cur + b_perp*w );
        Vector2f p1( cur - b_perp*w );
        Vector2f p2( nxt + b_perp*w );
        Vector2f p3( nxt - b_perp*w );

        // first triangle
        glVertex2fv( p0.data() );
        glVertex2fv( p1.data() );
        glVertex2fv( p2.data() );
        // second triangle
        glVertex2fv( p2.data() );
        glVertex2fv( p1.data() );
        glVertex2fv( p3.data() );

        // only do joins when we have a prv
        if( i == 0 ) continue;

        const Vector2f& prv = polyline[i-1];
        Vector2f a = (prv - cur).normalized();
        Vector2f a_perp( a.y(), -a.x() );

        float det = a.x()*b.y() - b.x()*a.y();
        if( det > 0 )
            a_perp = -a_perp;
            b_perp = -b_perp;

        // TODO: do inner miter calculation

        // flip around normals and calculate round join points
        a_perp = -a_perp;
        b_perp = -b_perp;

        size_t num_pts = 4;
        vector< Vector2f > round( 1 + num_pts + 1 );
        for( size_t j = 0; j <= num_pts+1; ++j )
            float t = (float)j/(float)(num_pts+1);
            if( det > 0 )
                round[j] = cur + (slerp2d( b_perp, a_perp, 1.0f-t ) * w);
                round[j] = cur + (slerp2d( a_perp, b_perp, t ) * w);

        for( size_t j = 0; j < round.size()-1; ++j )
            glVertex2fv( cur.data() );
            if( det > 0 )
                glVertex2fv( round[j+1].data() );
                glVertex2fv( round[j+0].data() );
                glVertex2fv( round[j+0].data() );
                glVertex2fv( round[j+1].data() );

EDIT: Screenshots:



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